Monday, March 17, 2008

DVD Movie : 101 Dalmatians (Two-Disc Platinum Edition)

Sadly never included when reviewing Disney's best work...,

June 15, 2000
I have recently rediscovered 101 Dalmations as my 18 month old son insists on watching it every single day. What has surprised me is that I have not even remotely grown tired of it and it grows in appeal with each watch.

Never really up there when people consider the best Disney animated features - Jungle Book, Snow White etc. usually take the acclaim - I think it is one of the finest and more subtle of the Disney movies.

The story is wonderful and well adapted for a wider audience. Cruella is evil personified and there are great comic moments - slapstick for the kids and cunning wordplay for the adults.

Some of the animation is not of the highest quality - check out some of the snow scenes and they don't quite ring true. But overall the movie has a endearing tone and feel.

One major criticism, as with nearly all Disney and Beuna Vista DVDs, is that there are no good extras. What is the point of this excellent new format if idiots in huge companies don't use it to its full potential?

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